سنقوم بعناية أظافرك

• Services •

العناية بالإظافر

العناية بظفركِ كالعناية بروحك. في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن يكون للأظافر ذات الألوان الزاهية تأثير حقيقي على مزاجك العام ونظرتك للحياة. يقدم صالوننا مانيكير وباديكير تقليديين بالإضافة إلى طلاء جل يدوم طويلاً وفن الأظافر الأكريليكي. للحصول على خدمة العناية بالأظافر، يرجى الحجز بشكل منفصل.

$ 15


An all-time classic. This express manicure takes care of your hands, cuticles and nails. Basic polish included.

$ 15


This treatment includes a salt soak, foot massage, and nail treatment. Basic polish included.

$ 20


Including up to 2 different basic colors, cuticle trimming, and coat. Hand cream treatment included.

$ 25


Long-lasting nail polish treatment – lasts up to 4 weeks! Choose from 30 different colors. Hand cream treatment included.


Jess Mariko

I initially got referred to Kristine by my doctor, since I suffer from a psoriasis that's been difficult to manage with medication alone. Thanks to Kristine's know-how, we've been able to keep the flair-ups down for a year now.

Sarah Morgan

Alice Stauber

I recently moved to the area and was looking for a beauty salon that would offer both body treatments and nail services. Kristine does both, and she does them well. Thanks girl!

Kristine is the best – I've been regularly seeing her for 2 years now and I've been able to seriously improve my cystic acne. She's professional and knows what she's doing.

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